Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Trip to Sunrise Peak in Jeju

As mentioned in cave blog, we visited the Seongsan Ilchulbong on the way to Manjanggul cave on Sunday 4th May '14.

Seongsan Ilchulbong from 2km distance

On the way, we saw a crowd on a farm where people were taking photographs. On reaching there, we found that one farmer has invented a way to make money from tourists going to the  Seongsan Ilchulbong by offering them to enter his farm at a fee.
in the farm
 He had decorated the farm by placing some items as seen below :)

All the fruits seen are actually hooked to these trees/shrubs by the farmer :)

Below you can see the cars parked next to this farm.

 There is one buddhist temple next to parking lot for visitors of ‘Sunrise Peak’.

It was a cloudy day, raining once in a while.

After purchasing entry ticket, we started climbing the hill.

 There was a cave after some way up.
Geologists say that volcanic eruption some 5000 years ago on sea-bed here created this Seongsan Ilchulbong.

Ok, it is the same time when the first city civilizations started around Indus river in Indian subcontinent and around yellow river in China, and perhaps a thousand year after start of Sumer civilization in Iraq. So perhaps either no human beings lived in near-by area to witness this creation; or they were stone using primitive humans incapable of recording this event for future generations.

 It is amazing experience to climb this cliff and to witness the natural beauty surrounding it.

The above mentioned farm and the whole town and port is visible from here.

UNESCO has designated this Tuff Cone as World Natural Heritage site.

Below is the bowl-like crater of this creation of volcanic activity. It is 600m in diameter unfilled by scoria or lava.

Out of 8.7 million (87 लाख) tourists to Jeju in 2011, 2.4 million (24 lakh) visited this crater site. So, by their approx. entry fee of 2 dollar per person, the local gov't easily earned 5 million (50 lakh) dollar from tourism to this site alone :)  25 crore INR every year :)


Ashish said...

Very nice coverage, I specially liked the comparison with evolving human race.
Good going and keep it up!

Ravindra Kumar Sande said...

Thanks Ashish for encouragement.