Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Museum in Korean Folk Village

Photos from March '14 trip to museum of Korean Folk Village.
Below pics illustrate folk life ( of past ) in various countries.



Tent bag and head-gear (पगड़ी)

Costumes of a tribe (Tukoman) of Afghanistan

Kitchen items of Afghanistan

Jewelries in Afghanistan 

On left is the leather bag made of goat skin to store water. (Afghanistan).

Costumes of Swat people of Pakistan

Kitchen items, chairs, etc of Pakistan

Door and windows made of Wood (Pakistan)

Bushman of Southern Africa before modernization wave swept away this life-style.

Art items from Africa of past

With Brazilian lady (South America)

Antique items from Peru (S. America)

Yarn Paintings of S. America

Huichol People ( of S. America) in the past

Teepee people of USA in the past

Items for Dance and Music (of America) in past

Religious carvings and Ancestral spirit figures (America) of past

Mostly religion related items (of America)

Ancestral Hook Figure (America)

Traditional man-woman statues of West Java (Indonesia)

Stuffed fowl of Malaysia

of Japan

Seven fortune gods of Japan

Hina Dolls of Japan

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