Sunday, May 11, 2014

Jeju to Suwon by Ferry and Car

It was Monday morning of 05 May 2014, and we had to be at Jeju international port by 7 am to put our car in ferry. Our navigator estimated that this journey from our stay in Seogwipo to be of approx 2 hours. So we aimed to start by 4:50 am from Seogwipo, which is next to sea in the south.

We woke up at 4 am and we were ready by 4:45 am. We had purchased some Ramyan (राम्यन) cup noodles day before from the e-mart; we added hot water to these cup noodles before starting the journey at 5 am. 

It took only a little more than 1 hour to reach Jeju port. There, we ate Ramyan noodles, drank some coffee. We people wanted to prepare tea, but no milk was available in the shops of port at that time.

We took our car to cargo area to park it in first floor of the ship at 6:45 am. After that, we started our sight-seeing of the harbor area.

One of the ropes which is holding our ship.

These motorcycle and car guys are waiting to park their vehicles in the ship.

Ship is parked just next to the floor. Another ship is visible at distance.

Cargo loading area

Bow of the ship. This is designed to reduce the resistance of the hull cutting through the water and is designed to be tall enough to prevent water from washing over top of it.

Another ship bound to the shore
Jeju port is international port, and they do the immigration check. There was separate line for foreigners  taking the ferry, and it was good for us because it meant easy and early way out of passenger queue.

PS: According to wiki page on Jeju, mainland Koreans considered Jeju people foreigners, before foundation of modern Korea in 1945, had to suppress the uprising of 1948 by death of tens of thousands and torture and rape of many Jeju people. Jeju had matriarchal society and their language was distinct enough from Korean language according to linguists.

Finally, we boarded on our ship at 8:30 am. We met same set of crew members whom we met while coming to Jeju from Wando 4 days ago.

View from our ship of nearby area

Many aeroplanes took off or landed on nearby Jeju airport.

Captain gave order to remove the ropes one by one, and our ship started to sail away from Jeju

Sailing away from Jeju

Jeju port from distance

Another plane 

The big ripples created by ship

Another ship in distance

Something and an island

Wando from distance

Parking area in the ship

Jeolla-nam-do is really beautiful

Somewhere in Jeolla province

Roadside view

Beautiful Gunsan port

In Jeolla

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