Chakma and Hajongs orginally belong to Chittagong Hill Tracts and Maimensinh district repectively of Bangladesh.
Chittagong Hill Tracts was known as Korpos Mohol till 1860s. The tribals here are collectively known as Jumma who mainly follow Thervada Buddhism. Chakma had historically ruled certain regions in this area and follow Hunyan sect of this Thervada Buddhism. Originally, their language was of Tibeto-Burman root.
Religious persection by then Pakistan, eruption of ethnic riots, and displacement caused by Kaptai Hydel Project forced them to migrate to neighboring Tripura India in around 1960s. As Pakistan goverment refused taking these people back and Tripura goverment was under pressure caused by heavy presence of these refugees, they have to move further east.
That time Central Gov't of India thought of settling these refugees in NEFA, now Arunachal Pradesh (AP). That time till 1965, NEFA was under Ministry of External Affairs.
However, this settlement and presence of these Chakma and Hajongs refugees is not liked by people of AP. AP has been enjoying a 'Special Protected Area' status since preindependence under Bengal North Eastern Frontier Regulation, 1873. Accoring to this regulation, even Indian citizens of other states could not develop any permanent stake in the state. Valid question is why then Gov't of India did not consult locals about this settlement?
Irrespective of whoever's mistake, the local poltics in the Arunachal Pradesh has made the life of these refugees miserable. Giving citizenship to them and their resettlement are big issues: They are living in India for more than 40 years. State Gov't had stopped issuing trade licenses to them and banned their employment in 1980s. Their settlements are destroyed with complicity of State Govt's. There is economic blockade of these refugees enforced by local organization like AAPSU. They are locked into vicious cycle of poverty.

Economic & Political Weekly, April 14, 2007, by Chunnu Prasad
1 comment:
Hi, I appreciate your comment.
The writing of original source is critical of nobody.
It brings into picture so perceived role of Central Gov't of India, by people in AP, for onslaught on AP society fabric without taking into account their feeling, creating change in demography however small like an imperial force.
It discusses suffering of refugees to ponder what Gov't of India could have done and what it should do now.
It provides background to the issue.
The best thing everybody needs to know what can be done best now?
Thank you very much.
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