Sunday, January 09, 2011

situation is grave.

naxals and locals (in the area where naxals function) are in dark about the changes all over the world, in particular, the change in overall structure of economic activities which are carried out in modern day world/societies.
they cannot think beyond the primitive economic activities like farming because they are not exposed to other activities,
they have the fear of development because they do not understand its nature and think that it will force their people to servitude (will cause them to go lower in the economic hierarchy).
they worry how their people can create space for themselves in (that is, cope with ) the economic environment which will be shaped by the development.

i guess that if somehow they can go on a tour of developed countries from asia such as south korea; they will change their outlook, they will desire to see their surrounding also developed, they will find opportunities for their people in arrays of activities done in an economically developed society.
in particular, naxals who are not at last stage of their life will change.
the experience of first time seeing a functioning developed society, which was so far unknown and which they would like to admire after seeing, is very powerful catalyst of change. it causes one to question one's long held or even hardened assumptions and beliefs.
(it is supposed that the tours of different LTTE cadres to developed nations for talks, proposed intentionally by Srilankan government and financed by international parties , had given the desired effect of weakening the LTTE movement from inside of the cadre. )

but then there is, i guess, also self-serving survival fear:
naxals must have the fear that end of naxalism will bring an end to the social standing, the life-style, the benefits which they are currently accruing and enjoying with the continuation of the movement.
naxalism is a job for them and everybody fears layoff because of uncertainty brought by a layoff.

situation is really grave.